Taylor Swift loung stockholm Gallerian

It’s me, hi,
I’m the fan letter, It’s me.

This is for you Taylor.

One big love bomb written by tons and tons of dedicated Swifties
in Sweden and fans traveling to Sweden to see you.

From: Ebba Sipola

Hi Taylor! Your music saved my life when I was going trough the lowest point of it.I'm forever grateful for that. I love you!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Konstantina

I love u so so so much please play IBYTAM tomorrow at my show!!! Love from greeceeeee

I'm a Swiftie


From: Edith

Hi,I love you you so cool and I really enjoy that you in Sweden.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Marieke Meijer

It is great to be here in Stockholm with my daughter . She bought the tickets en now we have a whole weekend together and her father is also going to the concert! really great!! Thank yo Tailor . Now I am a Swiftie too!!

I'm a Swiftie mom


From: Nadi Joe Abdou

I’m from Lebanon 🇱🇧, Taylor let me express myself and find myself through her music. She let me go through a lot of stuff and let me deal with it through her songs. I respect her and her story so much. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Taylor❤️

I'm a Swiftie


From: Marta

Taylor! You are simply.. THE BEST!

Thank you so much for the best night of my life!

I could enjoy your show with my teen daughter and it was amazing!

Thanks for existing!

Love you!

Kisses from Barcelona

I'm a Swiftie


From: Bodil

Hi Taylor! I love your music and I’m so sad that I don’t have tickets to The Eras tour, but I’m just 11 years old so I can’t watch it even if I had tickets. But you’re the best singer in the whole world and you will always be that. Please come back to Sweden so I can watch you another time!! Hope I met you someday.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Abril

Hello Tay!
I just wanted to thank you for being with me throughout the hardest and happiest times of my life, you are sunshine, thanks for always making us happy! WE LOVE YOU❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

(Seeing you was a pleasure and the best day of my life)

I'm a Swiftie


From: Gabby herndon

Dear Taylor swift u have Ben a great impact in my life I love u so much ur songs are amazing and just the best I have loved u seance I was born. Plzzz see my instagram is ghollie1234 plzzz look u are just amazing love u soooo much I can say so much but I have to go love u🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻😘

I'm a Swiftie


From: Jessica Hermanson

Your songs help me through tough days

I'm a Swiftie


From: Razvan

I always knew about you and the music but it wasn’t until I was in love that the music spoke to me on a personal level and I became a massive Swiftie. Seeing you for the first time and I am sure it won’t be the last.

I don’t know how it gets better than this!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Daya Sreedhar

Hi Taylor,
I am your biggest fan.I turn 13 this year on December 11, two days before yours and I am turning into your lucky number. I would love to talk to you in real life because you are a very inspiring person to me and to all. You are hardworking and you never give up. I was at your concert and I love reputation. Your cats are soo cute and you are very funny. I hope you will remember me and stay gorgeous. I hope you win more awards because you deserve them. Long live and stay gorgeous.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Doxa

Hi Taylor,

I heard your song “Our Song” for the first time when I was 15 and I was starting high school. I just turned 30, so you can imagine how important your music has been in my life.
You have a song for every single moment of my life, representing what I was going through. Happy, sad, angry, proud, you always know how to be there for me.
I will see you live for the first time tomorrow night on a day that matters a lot to me and my best friend (who’s here with me), I can’t wait to share this moment with her!

With deep affection,

I'm a Swiftie


From: Mai Anh, My Anh and Vy

We love you so much our queen x

I'm a Swiftie


From: Marta Mazz

Hi Taylor, I’ve been following you since 2008. I have sooo many things to say and tell you about what your art means to me. You’ve been there, like a sister. So THANK YOU. I can’t wait to see your concerts around Europe. It’s a DREAM <3 love you. Long live Taylor and all the swifties <3

I'm a Swiftie


From: Skylar Aurora Longridge

Well, you certainly made the Super Bowl a bit more interesting than usual, pity that you weren’t in the Half Time show as that would’ve been the cherry on top!

Your music is so varying which really makes you stand out from some musicians that have much more of a “cookie cutter” vibe!
I’m a big fan of “Shake It Off”, especially as it got me through a time where some of my “friends” proverbially stabbed me in the back. That’s before I get onto your other tracks that were truly a part of the soundtrack to my exam revision of many years!

Keep up the great work and can we PLEASE have you at the Super Bowl Half Time Show next year? ;)

I'm a Swiftie


From: Timo M

Thank you for your inspiring music. Keep up the good work!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Amanda

Your concert was amazing I really want to go again. It was an amazing experience i got really sad when it ended. You can always come to Finland haha.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Sofia

You’re so gorgeous!!!!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Ella

Hi Taylor!
I'm writing to you in Stockholm, where I arrived from Finland last night, to see you on the Eras tour tomorrow! It will be my first time ever seeing you live, after about 10 years of listening to your music and being a swiftie, and I am very excited. I am forever so thankful that I found you and your music, because it has quite literally changed the course of my life. There are so many absolutely wonderful people I would have never known, many places I would have never gone to, so much music and artists I wouldn't know, so many hopeless moments I would have had to survive from without your music, which has always been a big support for me. I don't know if I would even be studying music at the university right now if it wasn't for you and your music. You have also inspired me to write my own songs, and I have a dream of one day releasing them and letting more people hear them as well. My life wouldn't be as good as it is, if you hadn't become a part of it. So, I wanna thank you so much for it, and know that I will always stay by your side<3

Much love, Ella

I'm a Swiftie


From: Terese Eklund

Hi Taylor! It's me Terese.
I have been a fan of you since I was 9 years old and I'm now 25. Your music has been with me for so long now and will continue to be forever. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that my idol would be this popular many years later. I can't believe you're actually performing in Sweden. That's all I've ever wanted and Stockholm is really going all in with swiftie events and such. I'm so proud of my capital city. I saw you on reputation stadium tour in London and that was my first time I saw you live. This is going to be the second time since loverfest was cancelled. I met my finnish best friend through you for like 7 years ago and she's going with me and my sister tomorrow to see you. Me and her have so much more in common, but the reason we met is thanks to you and The Swift Life app. So, thank you! I hope you come back to Sweden on tour and I'll be there everytime.
Love, Terese <3

I'm a Swiftie


From: Nellie

Would not have made it without you, your my favorite of all time and you have helped me get so far🫶🏻

I'm a Swiftie


From: Bogi


I'm a Swiftie


From: Angela Yausheva

Dear Taylor,
Well hey girl! Honestly, where do I even begin. I started listening to your music when I was 14, I saw the music video for You Belong With Me and immediately loved it, I remember how I needed to buy my first pair of glasses and asked my mom to buy me the same ones you were wearing in the video. Teardrops On My Guitar was the first song I learned to play on the guitar. When you entered your 1989 era, I copied your move and cut my hair short and have been wearing it this way ever since then. When I hit the writers block, I listened to Evermore for hours on end and it helped me write some of the best poetry I had produced.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that you have been my inspiration for the last 15 years and continue to be the one I look up to. Your strength in the face of adversity, your unwavering belief in yourself and your gut, your heart-wrenching art serve as a leading force in my life, and I came to see you all the way from Russia (by way of Serbia) to thank you for being there for me when I needed to live through some of the happiest and toughest times of my life. You have been a constant soundtrack to my life and I couldn’t have asked for a better artist to be a reminder that I have to keep going. Thank you so much!
I was there when you were 19 and I was 14, and here we are all grown-up in our thirties. I’ve watched you grow and grew myself, and I want to thank you for being there for me. I wish you all the happiness in the world, also - please chill! Take a break, we will be there for you, forever and always 💕
Love you,

I'm a Swiftie


From: Julia Zhigaleva

Dear Taylor,

Thank you for sharing your stories with us so fearlessly and so honestly. Through every heartbreak, every setback and every lonely night you’ve made me feel less alone. You’ve taught me that being kind, trusting and passionate is not a weakness. You’ve inspired so many of us to stay strong and keep chasing our dreams. Thank you for everything, see you Sunday <3

All my love,

I'm a Swiftie


From: Jenny

Taylor I love you so much it’s hard to describe it, bug thank you so much for everything, we LOVE you 🪩❤️

I'm a Swiftie


From: Suski

I love u Taylor! Thank u for the best day in my life at the Eras Tour!<3

I hope u have a great year and life!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Aleksi

Give me a 22 hat I would love it so much. My seat is 94 row 7 section 128 left. Thank you ily. 😘

I'm a Swiftie


From: Maja Moldéus

Hello Taylor! I love your music,videos and everything about you! I can’t come to your concert because I’m just eleven but that’s okay cus I can listen to your music all the time. I just want to say thank you cause you filled my heart with the best music in the world!!! Thank you soooooo much!!!!!!!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Rannveig and Molly

Hi Taylor! We just sant to say we love you so much! Your music brought us together and we love to listen to it. We came all the way from Norway and Denmark to see you! We also wanted to ask if you could please play mirrorball or daylight at your show may 19th! We love both of those songs so much and it would mean so much if you did! All in all we love you and hope you enjoy Europe!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Mica

It’s me, hi 👋
Hi Taylor, my name is mica and I’m from Israel and I just wanted to write something from me to you and tell you how much you mean to me. I’ve been a swiftie since red tv (not very long but I think it’s good) and I’ve loved you ever since.
I want you to know how much you’ve helped me through the years. I’m 15 and I’ve been through a lot in the past few years. Every time I struggle with anything I turn to your music and you’ve been there for me every step of the way while growing up and getting through very sad times (like when I failed my first test and I cried for like three hours and played timt probably 10,000 times). And when I turned 15 your song was my anthem for my full birthday week. I attended the first night in stock(swift)holm and I cried right when it started, it has been my dream for so long, it has been my dream even before I knew it was my dream (as a seven yo dancing in the living room to shake it off). The concert was amazing and I’m coming to see you in Amsterdam also🥹. The surprise songs were amazing and now all my swiftie friends hate me (but I don’t care) and now I actually get to say that I heard the mashup of gorgeous and I think he knows😍😭. I also get to say that I heard Peter live for the first time it was ever played live (oh my gosh I can’t even believe it) . Because of you I met some of my best friends and I will forever be grateful for it. I’m grateful that I get to say that I love you with all I have and I don’t care what anyone says, you are such a great person to love.
You inspired me to start writing poems and I can’t tell you how much it helped me to deal with all the bad stuff in my life. I can’t believe I saw you. I don’t think I believe you are a real person. All the people who love you have been so king and it’s all because of you. I love you forever. Forever & always.
I’m my heart, you reputation will always be the most amazing reputation anyone has ever had.
You made me feel fearless at my most scariest times.
You made me speak now when I want too and not be shy.
Well, I wasn’t born in 1989 but I still relate to clean. I wish I got to love you sooner.
Putting someone first only works when you’re in their top five and I always feel like I’m in your top five.
I appreciate you and love you so much.
With love, mica, a tortured poet and also a speak now girlie 💜🫶💜🫶.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Ana nascimento


Love from brazil

I'm a Swiftie


From: Elton

You mean a lot for me, I LOVE your music❤️

I'm a Swiftie


From: Nova

You’re really inspirational and I love your music it means so so so much to me. I will always be very thankful that I got to see you in Stockholm I hope you know how much you mean to people❤️

I'm a Swiftie


From: Ida

You’re very inspirational and I love your music and the meaning they have. I am so happy I got the opportunity to go to your concert🫶🏻

I'm a Swiftie


From: Geraghty Girls

Hi Taylor,

We couldn’t get access codes for our home concert in Dublin, Ireland so we have come all the way to Sweden! AND… it just happens to be our youngest sister, Tiarnaghs, 21st birthday!

We saw you blow the roof of the 3 arena in Dublin on the 1989 tour and went to both night in Croke Park on the Reputation tour. We’re so looking forward to seeing the Eras Tour.

Grá mór from Ireland,
Angela (mamabear), Ciara, Aoife and Tiarnagh

I'm a Swiftie


From: Inger Ingvarson,Sweden

I am 65 years, mother of three sons and grandmother of three kids. I love hat you do, your music, the fact that go get people all over the world to be friends through changeing bracelets, and the possibility to play together: and i love your music,and everything and all that you give of youselfto people throughout the while world,The world is definately a better place in your company. Unfortunately I,m not abel to go to and of your consortes in Stockholm, due to beting sick; but I with you three wonderful times here and all the best in life, The text on my T-shirt is true:

I'm a Swiftie


From: Bre

Hi Taylor!

Thank you so much for sharing your music with us- for me it is almost like a secret friend who is there when you need them most. Your music has been the soundtrack of my life since you released debut. Through love, heartbreak, excitement, fear, and so much more your music has helped to guide me. I feel so lucky that I finally get to see you for the first time in Stockholm.

Sending lots of love from Canada


I'm a Swiftie


From: Cleo

I couldn't have imagined when I found your music sixteen years ago that it would come to mean so much to me. Your way of making me experience feelings as someone who usually struggles with doing so is extraordinary! Thank you for your work, your passion, and your authenticity. I'm so happy i finally got to see you perform. I wish you the best always.

Love, Cleo

I'm a Swiftie


From: Karin

Taylor, you and your music make me feel sooo happy. When I hear your songs and the lyrics it just brings me so much joy!!! I saw you yesterday 17/5 and it was awesome!! You’re the best💖✨⭐️I will see you tonight (18/5) again, and I look forward to it so much. Thank you for everything ✨🩷🤍

I'm a Swiftie


From: Paula<3

You and your music mean truly the world tp me snd many others. My favorite song of all time, seven, has brought me back from so many dark places and your music offers people everything, whether its a space to feel everything or to escape. Thank you for being you and making the music you make! Also thanks to your cats for being so cute<3 I love you & thank you, or as it would be in finnish, rakastan sinua & kiitos!!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Lauren & Vicky

You are the best!!!!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Kerttu

It was amazing to see you perform yesterday. I had so much fun. Thanks for the memories I got from the concert. See you soon💕🇫🇮. Hopefully you come sometime to Finland.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Alice

I wasn’t listening at you at all to be honest. BUT MY GIRLFRIEND forced me to listening and now I LOVE YOU, SO THANKFUL FOR HER

I'm a Swiftie


From: Wendy

Thank you Taylor for such a grate show at n1 may 17 here in Stockholm love you my queen

I'm a Swiftie


From: Laia Martin

Hello Taylooorrr!!!! <3 im going to tell this to you in spanish, okay??? Eres la absolutamente mejor artista que existe. Gracias por crear canciones que han marcado tantas etapas de mi vida. Desde los 14 años, cuando te escuché por primera vez, hasta hoy… te veré por primera vez mañana en Estocolmo, y en dos semanas en Madrid !!!! Por fin te dignas a venir a España tiaaaaaaa!!! Te quieroo muchooooo. Nos vemos mañana taytay <3. Pd: no cortes mas canciones de folklore y evermore del setlissstttt porfaaaa. Un abracito para tus puchiiiiis: Meredith, Olivia y Benjamin. 🎀🐈🐈🐈🪩🩷🫶🏻 Love you to the moon and to saturn 🪐🪐🪐🌜🌜

I'm a Swiftie


From: Frederikke, Sophie and Klara

We love you to the moon and to Saturn - Three swifties from Denmark 🌙🪐

I'm a Swiftie


From: Dasha

Hey Tay! Welcome to Sweden! Hope you have a great show, i'll see you as well in Lyon and Amsterdam! 1,2,3, LETS GO BITCH!!!!!!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Aila Hinderberger

Dear Taylor,

Omg, the thought you could be reading this. First of thank you for taking me out places. Every time I’ve been really low, you took me out with your music. I also can speak for my mom and brother, and best friends when I say that.

Second off you’ve inspired me, to care, to love, to feel. Thank you.


I'm a Swiftie


From: ina månsson toll

Hi taylor, please play long live and the prophecy on night three in stockholm 🫶🏻🫶🏻

I'm a Swiftie


From: Jules & Olivia

Hi Taylor we r from Finland and your music is slay and we love u!!! U have a lot of Finnish fans so u should come to Finland someday ! ! LOVE YOU

I'm a Swiftie


From: ida

My first favorite song from you was “Crazier”, I heard it from my purple iPod mini on my speaker and became instantly obsessed. I was 8. when I was 10, my parents took me to the Red Tour in 2012, in Kentucky surprisingly. I went to the country music hall of fame to write you a post it note and tell you how much I loved you, and of course get a bunch of merch. I made many countless fan pages and made internet friends all of who I met. Then at 12, I went to 1989 tour and it was the best day of my life. I never got to go to reputation or of course lover fest, so this is my first concert since 2015-8 years and it is the new best day of my life. Thank you
ida sophie

I'm a Swiftie


From: Niko

Hi Taylor! I love you and your music so much, I’ve been a fan about ten years. I’m from Finland and now finally I will see you perform live, I’ve been waiting about 10 years to see you. Your music and lyrics has changed my life and helped me through hard times in life. You are amazing.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Niko

Hi Taylor! I love your music so much, it had helped me through hard times in life. I’m from Finland and waited to see you perform live about ten years. 1989 was life changing album for me and I have been a fan since then. And now today finally I will be in a Friends arena and see you. This will be absolutely the best night of my life, love you.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Stephanie H. From Toronto, Canada

Wanted to say that you’re the best and love Your Eras Tour. Been to your show in Singapore and now in Stockholm. I wouldn’t have traveled the globe without you!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Julie Olesen

Thank you for the last 12 years - they’ve been incredible. I respect your character and everything you’ve taught me so much, and words cannot describe what you’ve done for me. I’m seeing you five times this year - Stockholm n1, Liverpool n1+2, Hamburg n2 and Warsaw n2. Traveling the world with you is gonna be the dream. Love you!! From Julie 🇩🇰

I'm a Swiftie


From: Amy Haberlein

Hi Taylor. I traveled from Nebraska to Stockholm. Thank you for playing ”Peter” on nigit 1. That song helped me in the midst of a divorce. Thank you Taylor.

I hope that you are so happy Taylor! We love you! TTPD is awesome!!!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Alma Paz

You have given a voice to our feelings, that’s why I will always love you. Thank you for the music that keeps us company on our worst and best moments.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Meri

Hiii Taylor!! So excited to finally attend your concert tonight <33 It has been a long way from ”Mean” to today :) Love, Meri.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Shalia

Taylor — you’re amazing! Keep doing you girl!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Minttumaari Kuitunen

The little 13 year old kid would not believe me if I told her that in 13 years she would see her favourite artist live for the first time. Since then your music has been there with me through all the hardships in my life and helped me through some very dark times. Thank you!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Line Mette

Thank you for making music that fits and hits Your soul, all kinds of situations and moments. Thank you for being relatable!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Dina

Thank you Taylor for creating music that brings me so much joy, excitement,and peace. So excited to be seeing you live for the first time! Sending love from a fellow New Yorker!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Lilja

I feel like nobody understands me as good as Taylor and the Swiftie community. When I listen to Taylors music I feel like I’m part of something bigger. When I’m happy I listen to Taylor, when I’m sad I listen to Taylor. She has music for Evert mood and every occasion and I love that. I’m so thankful that I have found Taylor <3

I'm a Swiftie


From: Matilda

You are my anti-hero

I'm a Swiftie


From: Albin Pålsson

You are awesome! Love your show and your stage presence is immaculate.
So much love and admiration!
Love Albin:)

I'm a Swiftie dad


From: Ida Pålsson

You`re amazing

I'm a Swiftie


From: Heini

Thank you for your wonderful music! And thank you for this amazing weekend together with the best daughter in the world <3 we travelled from central Finland first by car, then by train, by tram, by a ferry, subway, and back tomorrow by plane to see you. This is worth all the effort (and money) - a once in a lifetime experience I wish me and my daughter will both cherish in our hearts. It might be just another night at work for you, but for us it is so much more. Thank you!

I'm a Swiftie mom


From: Johanna Lax

Taylor is an amazing inspiration for all women out there including myself. Love from Finland!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Elsa

Cold as you is the best song of all time I love it very much I would love to hear it someday if you would please sing it for me it would make me very happy

I'm a Swiftie


From: Annie Magnusson

Hi I am from Sweden and l’m gona cry on Saturday because you are the best Taylor💖❤️❤️❤️❤️😭😭🪩🪩

I'm a Swiftie


From: Angelica; Sandra; Rebecca

Hi Taylor

You stole our tortured millenial hearts 💕

I'm a Swiftie


From: Maya

THANK YOU SO MUCH TAYLOR, every single song was insane and the performance made everything better

I'm a Swiftie


From: Lola

Dear taylor My name is Lola and i am 15 years old. i came with my dad from Spain to watch your concert. I went to the first night here in Stockholm, that night changed my life. I told my dad that if you play Peter i would loose my mind and you did it. When you started with the piano and i eared the first notes i knew it, it was very special for me. Really, you are an incredible songwriter and an amazing person.You help a lot of people with your music, including me. You are everything for me, i love you with all my heart.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Caroline

Taylor you saved my life when i was 13 and you are doing it ever since. You dont even know how much we love what you are doing for us. I love you so much.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Henry

I am your fan because of my best friend who even has a tattoo that says Taylor’s version!!
I love you music and your passion for it and your fans.
Love you

I'm a Swiftie


From: Stina Hagström

Thank you for writing this is my trying that songs saved me

I'm a Swiftie


From: Miguel

Please sing today long live or last kiss

I'm a Swiftie


From: Marguerite Bradley

Hi Taylor - Im so excited to see the Eras tour in Stockholm!!! We traveled from Atlanta, GA to see you. My partner and I were Aldo at lake Como this week!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Ana Carrillor

We are so excited to be hereee, together. We love you with paper rings and by the way we are gonna out today💕💕💕💍💍💍

I'm a Swiftie


From: Miguel

Hi Taylor, I’m spanish and I apologize to you that you had to meet Pablo motors, sorry. Kisses from Spain

I'm a Swiftie


From: Alicia Matilda Julia

Hej Taylor! Trevligt att träffas!! We love you with our whole hearts. We are going to see you every night in Stockholm and we will love every second of it.

This is a dream come true for all of us. Thank you so so much for playing Peter for us last night, it was magical!!❤️

We hope you have a great time here in Sweden, we will see you next time you are here. Welcome back to Swiftholm!! 💚💛💜❤️🩵🖤🩷🩶🧡💙🤍

Vi älskar dig.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Andrea Ana y Miguel

Taylor We love you. You are the best in the world. You are our Shakespeare. You are mother. And you are all you want to be. We are so excited to see you. Thanks for your music. Kisses from Spain.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Maeve Murphy

Thank you for creating music while I grew up. You have been a constant throughout my childhood and into adulthood and I feel very fortunate to have had that. I remember when my dad introduced my sisters and me to your first album when he found it, at the time we had no idea you would be our lifelong hero. Each album represents a significant time period in my life and it’s been the best ride. So thank you for the music, love you to the moon and to Saturn.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Kristina

Hi Taylor. Since I discovered your music- catalogue about 4 years ago, I have become a huge fan. No need to ever listen to someone else! You have a song for every mood and moment in life. I'm lucky that I could get tickets to the consert last night (may 17), it was oure magic.
Love you so much!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Téa Giampiccolo

Bonjour d’une francaise qui vit à Stockholm <3

I'm a Swiftie


From: Ida

Thank you for the best night EVER! 💚💙🩵💜🤎❤️🩷💛🧡 Love from Gällivare, Sweden

I'm a Swiftie


From: Káťa

Hi Taylor, looking forward to seeing you today. Waited for 5 years to experience this! ❤️

I'm a Swiftie


From: Saimi and Senni

Thank you for bringing us the most spectacular show and experience of our lives. We appreciate it more than you know.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Elsa

Hi Taylor!
Your music has been with me trough the upps and downs of my life So thand you!❤️

I'm a Swiftie


From: Tom & Jennifer H

Dear Taylor,
Can’t wait to see you in Edinburgh!!!
Love from Scotland

I'm a Swiftie


From: Sofie Stans

Hi Taylor, thank you for the music and lyrics, they mean the world to me. See you tomorrow. Love you, Sofie from Belgium

I'm a Swiftie


From: Jan

Hi Taylor,

Break a leg.


I'm a Swiftie


From: Elisabeth

Hi Taylor!
I came to see you from Estonia and I loved the show. Will you come there next please? Also start shipping Merch internationally (to Estonia) pls thanks love u🤍🖋️🪩🫶🏻

I'm a Swiftie


From: Milena

I love u

I'm a Swiftie


From: Jakob Jennerstrand

Thanks for the tour, you’ve changed Stockholm fully, turned inside out with your music everywhere and tons of swifties dressed up too look like you. This weekend I will remember for ever. Kisses xx

I'm a Swiftie


From: Mia

Your music is the best! I love you!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Pia Michelle

i love you so so much and you are such and inspiration to all us young women!!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Paula

Hej Taylor, kom till Cecil vetlanda #swag

I'm a Swiftie


From: Live

Very inspirational

I'm a Swiftie


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