Taylor Swift loung stockholm Gallerian

It’s me, hi,
I’m the fan letter, It’s me.

This is for you Taylor.

One big love bomb written by tons and tons of dedicated Swifties
in Sweden and fans traveling to Sweden to see you.

From: Elina

Hi! My name is Elina, I’ve been a fan for a long time now and finally seeing you in a concert is a dream come true. I traveled to Sweden from Finland with my mom and godmother. I’m so grateful to get the chance to be here this weekend and get my first Taylor Swift concert experience! Thank you for making music and helping me during hard times!!💘

I'm a Swiftie


From: Unna

Your music brought me new friendships, new love and new adventures and I can’t imagine my life without it. Thank you for trusting us all with such a big part of yourself, your bravery and vision will be your greatest legacy <3

I'm a Swiftie


From: Sanja S

Hi Tay Tay! Thank you for being so devoted to your fans, for keeping us going on in life and making us proud of being a Swiftie!

I'm a Swiftie


From: En veronika

Loved you 4ever. Biggest event of my life.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Anh Kieu Huynh

Happy to see you in Stockholm. Love from Vietnam. Wishing you a lot of health, love, and happiness.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Angie Labiaga

hi Taylor, your music transports me to places no other artists can. The way you sing and treat your fans, makes me feel like we are best friends, you understand what I am going through and have the exact words to put it. You are a mastermind indeed. I got the privilege to attend your concert on night one in Paris, and has been the best day of my life. Thank you for what you do, and for keeping the magic and dream alive. With love, Angie Labiaga

I'm a Swiftie


From: Ela Arasola

Thank you for growing up with me and being the relatable mastermind. I look forward to seeing you venture and change the politics too.

All the best and focus in yourself

I'm a Swiftie


From: Louise Glad

I made my boyfriend into a Swiftie (he will never acknowledge it). Thank you for coming to Stockholm, we love you!!! <3

I'm a Swiftie


From: Alma

Ive been a fan of you since I was 4 years old. My mom recently surprised me with tickets to see Taylor TODAY in concert! I cried my heart out when I found out. I flew half way across the world to Sweden to see her. I love you so much and your music will always be apart of me.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Birgitte

I have been a fan since I was 13 years old (now turning 31). You’ve brighten up my darkest days ever since

I'm a Swiftie


From: Celine Revheim Halvorsen

Huge fan! Love from Norwayyy

I'm a Swiftie


From: Kylie

There are literally no words to express how important your music has been to me, but I guess the whole point of this is to try. Your albums have quite genuinely been the soundtrack to my life. Fearless was my very first CD ever, then I spent years waking up to Speak Now in my CD alarm clock. I auditioned for my school dance team to a Red song, forced my family to listen to 1989 on repeat for ten hour long road trips, and the Reputation concert film played in the background of countless hours of studying. Every album since has helped me feel seen and understood while moving out of home and becoming an adult in the real world and experiencing first love but also first heartbreak. Throughout times I felt like no one understood what I was going through and how much it took to survive each day, your music was there for me. I am so eternally grateful to exist in the same era as you. Thank you a million times over for everything you do. See you tonight xoxo

I'm a Swiftie


From: Diana Baul

You helped me out of depression. I spared all the aggression.You brought me back. Zi am alive, and you too - we made it girlfriend,and nothing can stop us from being misunderstood. to a new era of everything that is reserved for us.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Joonas

Hi, I think your music is great and versatile! I like to listen to it both during work and in free time. Happy to see you live here in Stockholm! Please visit Finland soon ;)

I'm a Swiftie


From: Tuomas Ryynänen

She's inspired me to write (and produce) my own music and share vulnerable thoughts and feelings. She helps me through heartbreak with her songs

I'm a Swiftie


From: Amanda.H

The Eras Tour is reconnecting me with my childhood best friend and has brought me so much joy in preparing for the concert. Easily one of the most anticipated and exiting moments so far in my 21 years, thank you TS!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Linnea

Looking forward to the consert

I'm a Swiftie


From: Katarína

Thank you for making our lives so special! Stockholm loves you ❤️

I'm a Swiftie


From: Stephannie L

I love the values you stand for, Taylor!

I'm a Swiftie mom


From: Camila

Taylor ha sido para mi como un abrazo a mi corazon , cada canción que he escuchado en diferentes etapas de mi vida me ha ayudado a poner en palabras mis sentimientos y sentirme bien con ellos, solo quiero decirle que gracias por tanto, crear este mundo para nosotros 💖

I'm a Swiftie


From: Diego

I don’t think you actually can realize how much you mean for this many people, you’ve been so important for me for the last 10 years and I really don’t know what could’ve been of me without your music and ideas. My 10 year old self in Venezuela couldn’t think that I could ever watch you live and here I am now. Keep making us feel special. Te amo Taylor <3

I'm a Swiftie


From: Kattye

Reina, te amo. Te Mereces todo lo bueno que este mundo darte. Gracias por los majores albumes de la historia. TTPD forrever 📠🕰️✉️ see you in Madrid 💕🫶🏻

I'm a Swiftie


From: Inja

Can’t wait to see you Taylor💕💕

I'm a Swiftie


From: Jatta

This is amazing experience to swiftie mom 😃😃

I'm a Swiftie mom


From: Waze Waze

Hawo Taytay, our famawee is beawy excited to see you tonight!! 💕🐻🐻🐻👯👯‍♀️👻👻

I'm a Swiftie


From: Wvei

Hawo! So excited to see you, Taytay 💕

I'm a Swiftie


From: Jemina

Teukka on upea artisti, jonka sanoitukset on kauniita ja merkityksellisiä. Biiseistä löytää aina jotan uutta sen hetkiseen tilanteeseen elämässä. Lisäksi biisit on mielettömiä bängereitä!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Katri

Teukka oot best ❤️ Thank you ❤️ Oot aina mukana ja autat ❤️

I'm a Swiftie


From: Tannef

Here in Stockholm and i cant wait to see Taylor Swift tjis weekend!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Hannalore

Hello Taylor!!! I’ve been your fan since Love story and 15. 1989 has been the album that has influenced me so much and helped me through difficult times. You are amazing and a real role-model. Thank you for doing what you do! I went to the concert already in LA and happy to visit Stockholm concert. Hope you will read this :)

I'm a Swiftie


From: Julia

Hi Taylor! Your music is so important part of my childhood and i have loved you for so long <3 getting to this concert has been my biggest dream for so long, so thank you for coming to Sweden. Ps. You have to come Finland next time!!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Getter, Kärolin, Janne, Carmen

Hello Taylor.
I have grown up with you. I feel like you are my girlfriend!
And my friends too!

I'm a Swiftie


From: Neva

Hi Taylor i love your music i Done have a favourite song because i think they are all great but if i had to choose one it would be either Ready for it or Betty because they make me feel happy.
My favourite album is folklore because i like calmer music Moore than rock music
So i also love evermore and TTPD.
Im ten coming from Italy to see you in swiftholm and im happy im going to your concert.
Im half american and half italian so thats Why i can speak in english.
I love your music so so so much
And i hopp you have a great day. Bye

I'm a Swiftie


From: Roxy

Hi Taylor, buddy,

I laughed with, cried with you, felt disillusioned with you, got angry with you and for you - but mostly, I just felt with you ever since I was 12ish. The day the music channel played Love Story while I was already dancing on a Saturday morning in my pjs is one of the best days to have happened in my 30 years. Without that day life would have felt, at times, lonely, scary, and overwhelming. I never had to feel completely alone though thanks to the marvelous and gracious ways in which you have poured your heart out on all of that you do.
I guess what I am trying to say is I have been here *almost* from the beginning and I am never, ever going anywhere. I hope you will forever be happy and get everything and everywhere you want to, you deserve it.

P.s. FUCK ‘EM ALL! (Sing it with your whole chest every goddamn night)

By your side, always,

I'm a Swiftie


From: Mia Lina Ida

Thanks for coming to Stockholm, looking forward to seeing you!

Lots of love<3

I'm a Swiftie


From: Kaisa Perttula

Hello Taylor!!! I love you so so so much and i can’t wait to see you tonight in stockholm (17.5.2024) I WOULD LITERALLY DIE IF I WOULD GET THE 22 HAT!! You’re literally my favorite person on earth. I LOVE YOU❤️

I'm a Swiftie


From: Tomi


I'm a Swiftie dad


From: Avishag

You’re my very comfort artist❤️ I love your music and appreciate your hard working🎀🎀 my favorite song is everything has changed and my favorite album is red

I'm a Swiftie


From: Amelie

Thank you for your music!💕💕🎶🪩🪩

I'm a Swiftie


From: Nathalie

Your music describes everything beautiful with being alive. The good and the bad.

I'm a Swiftie


From: Mona

Thank you for letting us be part of the Eras Tour! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I'm a Swiftie mom


From: Lil-Freddy

Hope u will have a great stay here in Stockholm, Tay! ❤️❤️❤️

I'm a Swiftie dad


From: Sofia

Hi Taylor, you make the best songs ever and they have been so important to me.

I'm a Swiftie


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