From: Helga
Taylor always puts my feelings into words and I love her so much!!🪩🪐❤️⭐️🩷💜💛
I'm a Swiftie
From: Leonie
You saved me when nobody else bothered to. LOVE YOU TAYLOR
I'm a Swiftie
From: Adam and Nils
You were good we liked it
I'm a Swiftie
From: Karol
Hey Taylor, thanks for putting up a show in Stockholm! I had an amazing time yesterday at the concert and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world. Thank you for all the hard work you put into touring as well! It’s a daunting task, but if anyone can do it it’s probably you!!, Xoxo thanks a million!!!!!
I'm a Swiftie
From: Elsa Bellman Falk
Hi Taylor Swift! I am the biggest Swiftie in the world!!! I love you soooooooooo much! You are so good and show girlpower! You are my role model!! You are a amzing singer and dancer!!! You are best!!!!!! I wanna be like you! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️ I don’t just love your music I love you because you are you!!!!❤️🤩 You are so kind and beautiful!!!❤️ You are best!! My dream is to be like you!❤️🫶🏻🫶🏻 To the best person in the world Taylor Swift! I love you! I will be BFF with you!❤️🫶🏻 From teen year old Elsa Bellman Falk from Sweden❤️🫶🏻. Bye bye thanks for you reading this!❤️❤️❤️🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕😘🥰😍❤️🫶🏻
I'm a Swiftie
From: Alba Bach Holen
Hey Taylor!! I just wanted to say that I love you so so so much and that you’re probably my fav person in the whole entire world. Your music is helping me and many others a lot. And we love you really much.
Thank you for doing it with broken heart. You have done so me and MANY other has had the best night of our entire life. THANK YOU
I'm a Swiftie
From: Annika J
Dear Taylor,
We went to your show on Friday evening after ten months of planning and waiting, and it was totally amazing!!!
To be a part of this together with my 14-year-old daughter, who is a devoted Swiftie, feels absolutely amazing!
I was probably one of your oldest Swifties (55) at the arena but I love your music and everything you do! Still being able to relate to your lyrics feels very good. Your lyrics can probably be interpreted by everyone in their own way. It is a really fine art that you present to all of us.
I got the feeling that there was a lid over the arena filled with kindness, love and care and it was absolutely incredible. I am sure that no one else than you can give us that feeling.
Thank you for being there for us and for everything you do and share with us! Hope you were satisfied with Sweden. We look forward to seeing you again soon! Have a nice trip to Portugal and hope you enjoy your time there too!
Love and hugs from a Swiftie/Swiftie-mum!
I'm a Swiftie mom
From: Cassidy Josephson
Dear Taylor!
Omggg you are so cool! And relatable. I have been to one of your concerts in Chicago and I am attending your Stockholm night 3 concert!!! I love you so much, I talk about you all the time too that my friends get annoyed😗💕 I hope I get the 22 hat someday!💚💛💜❤️🩵🖤💖🩶🤎💙🤍
I'm a Swiftie
From: Finley
Hello Taylor!
I have been a fan since 2016 when 1989 was popular! I will be attending your concert tonight on Stockholm night 3! I am so excited to see you! This will be my second time attending the Eras Tour! I went to the Chicago night two! See you soon!
Love Finley!
I'm a Swiftie
From: Bodil
Hi Taylor! I sent you a message yesterday but I want to tell you more.
I have learn guitar chords so I can play your songs. I have learn You belong with me, Mean and Delicate. But I will learn more. I will also try to learn all your songs, I don’t know every yet. You are the best singer in the hole word, your so cool. I dreaming about that I someday will meet you.
Hope my dream comes true someday
I'm a Swiftie
From: Krista Bossow
Dear taylor, thank you so much for an amazing Stockholm n2! It was incredible and the community that you have made is amazing! Thank you!
I'm a Swiftie
From: Kiira & Vilma
Hi girlypop 😘 we love you so so so so so so so much!!! We came to see you from Spain, and we were there on Friday (in section 325 if you saw us) and on Saturday in THE MIDDLE OF THE VERY FIRST ROW FRONT OF THE STAGE (BAAARRIIIICAAADEEE)! (I know you saw us😉) you are amazing and slayed so bad as you do always.
Thank you for the best surprise songs (especially CLEAN, we died).
ANYWAYS we love you so much, thank you for being you, saved us many many times ❤️
see you soon in Lisbon!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
I'm a Swiftie
From: Sanna & Spencer
Thank you for being part of our Love Story💖
I'm a Swiftie
From: Maria ZS
Great concert in Sthlm, we went on my daughter’s 15th birthday 🥳. Fantastic evening. Thank you and all others involved for a fantastic show!
You re really inspirations in so many things you do, and absolutely as a great business leader in case you looking for a new carrier.
Go girl!
I'm a Swiftie mom
From: Iisa ja Ansa
Amazing amazing although the concert is yet to be!!
I'm a Swiftie
From: Julia
Hi Tay, I am 20 today and came from Poland to Stockholm for my birthday concert with you! I am going to see you for the first time and I am more than excited. I will also be in Warsaw ❤️ (I hope you sing New Romantics or Paper Rings (I have a tattoo)) Love you so much ❤️❤️
I'm a Swiftie
From: Anni Lehtelä
Hi Taylor,
I found you a few years back, and ever since that I’ve been so in love with you and your music. Through you I’ve found so many of my favorite people. You bring me joy and happiness every day. I can’t explain how much you mean to me and I am so excited to see you tonight. Thank you for everything I love you to the moon and to Saturn
I'm a Swiftie
From: Mikaela & Maiju
Hi Taylor! I hope you win a Nobel Prize for literature one day!
I'm a Swiftie
From: Francesca Kaida Crouch
I love you so much 18 of May I was at your concert and I was so happy I cried I had the time of my life best day ever I was dressed up for the era lover it was so fun love your music i swiftie mom
I'm a Swiftie
From: Emmmi
Thank you for putting into words what it feels like to be a woman.
I'm a Swiftie
From: Jenna
When I have had no one else, I’ve had Taylor 🫶🏼
I'm a Swiftie
From: Betty W
Taylor! I want to thank you for finally making your way to Sweden! Your words and songs have saved me several times and for that I am eternally grateful! I hope Sweden have treated you like queen and I hope you’ll return for any potential future tours.
I love seeing the happy spark back in your eyes and I’ll see you in London in august.
Tack och hejdå <3
I'm a Swiftie
From: Stine & Malin
We love you Taylor🩷🩷 You mean a lot to us💜 Please come to Norway next time🫶 Stor klem Stine of Malin✨
I'm a Swiftie
Hey Taylor! I love you so much, your music makes me so happy. I’m a 14 year’s old cheerleader from Norway, I’m a big dreamer just like you where! Your music makes me so happy! I can’t believe I’m actually going to see you later today! Taylor you’re really the best!!
I'm a Swiftie
From: Alva
I love you’re music so so so much! My favorite album is reputation and i hope sooo that Taylor’s Version is out soon!!! I can’t Wait to finally listen to it when you own it❤️ Im so exited for the concert and you’re going to be amazing as always! Much love from Norway
I'm a Swiftie
From: Lina Utterman
Dear Taylor,
I have been a fan of yours for so long and going to your concerts brings me such joy, I can’t even put it into words. I went to the Eras Tour in Las Vegas last year and it was the most incredible experience. I can’t wait for tonight!
Lots of love!
Kram Lina 🪩😻🫶
I'm a Swiftie
From: Ronja
Thank you for making music I can both dance my ass of to and cry to. You have been a part of lots of Girls Night. Keep up the good work😉❤️
I'm a Swiftie
From: Daphne
Thank you for an amazing show 17/5, and a really special relationship growing up together (even though we’ve never met). Folklore and evermore are such feats of art and I hope you make another album of that caliber and inspiration. You are sooo talented. Love you and I hope you find the realest happiness. Kisses xx
I'm a Swiftie
From: Emelie Utterman
Dear Taylor,
I have been looking forward to seeing you and the Eras Tour for soo long. I am so excited.. I can’t even our it into words.
Thank you so much for everything that you do and everything that you are. Even though you don’t know me you have made such a big impact on my life and you mean so much to me. You are amazing!
My family and me have come from Germany to see you tonight.
I love you so much!
Jag älskar dig!
Kram, Emelie 🩷
I'm a Swiftie
From: Sofié
Hi Taylor! First of all I haven’t been a swiftie for that long but I have appreciated you for as long I can remember. I started listening your music last year and it was the best decision that I’ve ever made. I went to Stockholm night 2 and it was the highlight of my life + you sounded INCREDIBLE and I had so much fun. My seat was pretty far away but when you waved at us during Anti-hero, it was awesome and I screamed so loudly. I have to say one more thing and it’s that I love you very much and we all do and I’m so proud of you. I can’t wait to see you again in the future and your music has really helped me with my life. I love you Taylor and hopefully I’ll see you again soon. :) (These malls are btw the best malls that I’ve ever seen and I’ve loved hearing your songs everywhere I go and hopefully it’ll continue longer than just some days) :)
I'm a Swiftie
From: Therese
What an amazing performer, singer, dancer you are ! Best concert of my life ! We love you Taylor ! Can’t wait to see you again live ! Next time hopefully in Finland !!
I'm a Swiftie
From: Erik
Hi Taylor! The energy and the warm feeling of togetherness that you brought to your record-breaking show at Friends Arena in Stockholm last night gave me my greatest arena concert experience like ever, ever! You are the best!
I'm a Swiftie dad
From: Kerttu
I started to listen to your music when I was eleven and ever since your music has been a big part of my life. When I was going through hard time your music was always there and it was super relatable so it made me feel like someone understood my feelings. I’m really grateful for that. So thanks for making the best music.
I'm a Swiftie
From: Heikki
Taylor, you were with my family on our road trip through S-W USA in spring 2022, mostly in the earbuds of our then 14 year old daughter Pihla. She shared you with us driving south the Utah Scenic Byway 12 where Evermore would fit so beautifully with the incredible scenery. Same year, end of summer, it was her confirmation party where I played and sang Gold Rush, an obvious choice, translated to Finnish and telling about her and what an amazing young woman she's growing into. Today, Sunday 19 May, we're here in Swiftholm with her and her best swiftie friend Fanni. I have Gold Rush as my friendship bracelet. Can't wait to see you today!!!
I'm a Swiftie dad
From: Michele
Taylor for me is a great woman.someone US ppl should be proud of. I love many of your songs they were the background of my life. I love style and gateaway car fully represents part of my life. Love your feminism inclusivity and your being humble and approachable. Wish the best for your life and career with love Michele
I'm a Swiftie
From: Therandomella
You saved my life.Last year I Went through a hard time in school and you were always in my ears. My mom always told me that I need to do like Taylor Swift and Shake It off. It helped me a lot. I am 16 years Old but When I turn 18, I Will tattoo Shake It Off. Your music and YOU has been a huge part of my life, an important part! Being able to see you yesterday was so cool. You healed a part of me you didnt break.Love,Ella
I'm a Swiftie
From: Alessia
It’s not just about the music… it’s about being in a stadium surrounded by like minded people! For those three and a half hours…I got to celebrate! I got to celebrate the music that healed me, the music that got me through first loves, the good and bad times… for those short moments I got to celebrate my love for Taylor. I’ve always been an “outsider, and never really “fit” in anywhere… I never really “belonged”, but becoming a Swiftie has truly changed that. Love Alessia
I'm a Swiftie
From: Vera Lundh
Hi Taylor!
This is so weird i dont know what to say. I love you. Thank you for playing clean that really made my day. No Wait! That I got to go and see you made my year I cried directly when I came through the door it was crazy. I don’t know if I have ever cried that much (maybe when I was a baby) everything was just so perfect I wish I could just relive that day for all eternity. I mean why not I got to see you live and omg i can’t believe that I saw you live. I don’t think I ever will believe this but here I am omg aaaaa. You are the best. You deserve 1989 years of semester and happiness and everything else that is good for you. You playing Marjorie was something else I don’t know what to say it was everything and more. I mean all the song were but Marjorie just have a special place in my heart (and clean and all to well(ten minutes version) and who is afraid of little old me and yeah basically all of them) I hope you have a wonderful day NO! I mean 1989 years. I absolutely love your work. Miss you already. Hope to see you again someday ❤️🫶🏼🥰
I'm a Swiftie
From: Lumi
Hi Taylor, this was my first concert and came from Belgium for it. It was amazing, much more than I anticipated, a lot of feelings and emotions. Thank you for being so amazing and see you again in Amsterdam in July. I can’t wait!!😻 I love you lots! ❤️
I'm a Swiftie
From: Aksu & Laura
Hey Taylor!
Your music has been a big part of our 14 years relationship. From the first time we moved together into an apartment to being an essential part of any road trip or vacation we take. You’re a daily part of our lives and make work days fly with your songs in the background. So many songs have super special memories tied to them and we can’t wait to make more on this Stockholm trip and our very first time seeing you live! <3 Thank you for everything.
I'm a Swiftie
From: Goril
In awe - thanks for being such a great role model for our girls🥰🤩
I'm a Swiftie mom
From: Marie
I love you Taylor! Thank you for your music. I am a big fan and I love your songs and your songs make me feel all kinds of emotions.
PS. I love your outfits on tour, oh and I’m 8 years old and my swiftie older cousins introduced me to you!!!
I'm a Swiftie
From: Yeva S.
Taylor’s been such an inspiration to me and so man other young girls all over the world and I’m so glad I can have her as a role model. She’s done so much for so many people with her music alone, not to mention everything else. I wish she knew how important she is to so many people, and seeing her live is an experience I will never forget. Thank you Taylor, for being you.
I'm a Swiftie
From: Anna
Ok, so Taylor absolutely changed my life in the absolute best way imaginable, her ability to write songs that are so personal and make it so relatable to all her fans is a talent that I can’t even comprehend. I have been a fan since the red era singing and dancing to all the red songs since I was 11 years old. I love her so much and will appreciate her, her music, and the love and dedication that she has for her fan forever and always. I hope she continues to do what she’s so amazing at for as long as it makes her happy because it will always make us excited and overjoyed.
I'm a Swiftie
From: Mia
I wouldn’t have gotten over a boy without Taylor <3
I'm a Swiftie
From: Laura
Hi Taylor, thanks for getting me through all my heartbreaks. Love from Finland!
I'm a Swiftie
From: Dicte Seidler
Hi Taylor! You are my idol and inspiration for being who I am. I am soooo exited to see you tonight at Stockholm N3❤️ Your music has changed my life! Been a fan since your first music video!
I'm a Swiftie
From: Emma
Taytay. I have been listnening to tour music since Fearless was released and I an so proud to be your fan. Not only is your music a-may-zing but you as a person inspire me so much in the way you stand up for people and how you always treat everone kindly.
I hope you have a fantastic time on the rest of the tour and that you get a some well deserved vacation when The Eras Tour is done.
Love always, Emma
I'm a Swiftie
From: Anton
You made me cry multiple times during last nights concert.
I'm a Swiftie
From: Nayanika
My friend kalle it’s a big fan of you and he wants your hat to remember this big day
I'm a Swiftie
From: Astha
The one love that stayed forever 🥰🫶🏻🫶🏻💜💜💜💕💕💕
I'm a Swiftie
From: Laura
Your songs have helped me deal with my feelings and heartbreaks. Free therapy.🫶🏻
I'm a Swiftie
From: Nicholas Porzondek
Hi Taylor,
First, Shout out to breaking Sweden attendance records twice. You’ve been impactful to millions of people across the world, me included. I truly can’t believe the scale of this tour, and you just keep going. As long as this tour goes I’ll follow along. Never stop making music ❤️.
I'm a Swiftie
From: Alicia S
Hi, Taylor - you are an amazing business woman and marketer, along with singing fabulous songs. Stockholm is my first of your concerts but will see you again in Amsterdam and Milan in July. Thank you for giving me these experiences with my Swiftie son, Nick!
I'm a Swiftie mom
From: Helle, Emilia, Kaisla
Hey Taylor!
We love u so much and we are so so so exited for the Eras Tour concert. We hope u have an amazing time here in Stockholm. Love from Finland❤️🪩✨
I'm a Swiftie
From: Ellie
Taylor, I have grown up with your music as the soundtrack to my life. Last night was the most phenomenal thing I have ever seen. You are a rolemodel and inspiration to us all.
Forever a Swiftie
Ellie xxxxxx
I'm a Swiftie
From: Toby Pearce
You make my gf feel seen in so many ways, and so thank you. Thank you for sharing songs that continue to inspire and amaze, and make millions of people feel like they belong. Peace.
I'm a Swiftie
From: Ester
Hi Taylor! Thank you for the best concert of my life, I will never forget this night. I love you!!!
I'm a Swiftie
From: Ida lovgren
Without Taylor or her music I would not have been alive today, she saved me. Whenever I’ve felt sad or depressed I’ve always had Taylor music as an out to make me feel better. I don’t know what I would have done without her music and it has truly changed my entire life. Songs like all too well or the archer has helped me when I’ve gone through hard times and at times when I haven’t wanted to live, I truly would not be alive and welll today if it weren’t for Taylor and her music so thank you Taylor for being such an amazing human being and thank you for letting me see you live yesterday as well as today. I love you and Stockholm loves you too.
I'm a Swiftie
From: Ida Fisker
Dearest Taylor,
your music has been with me through my teens and twenties. It is so relatable and has been with me through heartbreaks and the highs of new love. Your music has also empowered me to stand strong when I need to.
Thank you for being so incredibly vulnerable when sharing your thoughts and feelings through your songs.
Love and support from a forever Swiftie
I'm a Swiftie
From: Thea
Thank you Taylor for making me feel okay to be myself and not care what other people are thinking of me. You inspire me every day. Thanks for everything, I can’t describe how much you mean to me. I LOVE YOU
I'm a Swiftie
From: Aurora Lien
Hello Taylor<3 I have been a fan for a long time now and I love you music with my whole heart. I sent to Your concert in Stockholm 18th of May an it was the best experience of my life! I love you with my whole heart and hope you have an amazing time on the rest of the ERAs Tour. Love from Aurora Lien from Norway<3
I'm a Swiftie
From: Stas & Tanita
Thanks for the most expensive therapy session xoxo
I'm a Swiftie
From: Aske
well i don’t even know where to start. She has pretty much just always been there for me. Listening to her music has improved my life in so many ways,it’s almost like a therapy session when i listen her music. She has this amazing skill to write heartfelt lyrics while Aldo being so relatable. I love her to Death. Ilysm Taylor!
I'm a Swiftie
From: Ampu
I just love your lyrics
I love your message to the world 💜
I'm a Swiftie
From: Isa L
I love u so much and it was an absolute honor getting to spend my 23rd birthday with you in my own country, couldn’t think of anything I would rather do on my birthday.i will remember and cherish that I got to see the show not only once, but twice in a row. already looking forward too seeing you again in Warsaw. Keep making music that we all can relate to, dance to and cry to.
I'm a Swiftie
From: Michael
Donate your dress to me
I'm a Swiftie
From: Arianny Wu
Love ya 💕
I'm a Swiftie
From: Lisa Thiberg
Thank you for the most fantastic evening and concert ever. Two days later I’m still smiling. You are the best!
I'm a Swiftie
From: Alice
Thank you for being there when I was 12.
I'm a Swiftie
From: Vetle
Thank you for making the soundtrack to my life🩷
I'm a Swiftie
From: Aksel
Love you <3
I'm a Swiftie
From: Liv
Thank you for the amazing music and your stunning personality💜
I'm a Swiftie
From: Emma
I'm a Swiftie
From: Vella
Hello Taylor you and your music means so much to me. I’m from Finland and my name is Vella. I love u so much have a great time in Sweden! <3
I'm a Swiftie
From: Märta
I love you Tay Tay
I'm a Swiftie
From: Eerika & Veera
Taylor you saved my life with your music, Thank you Tay Tay
I'm a Swiftie
From: Linda
You are amazing and so talented. You are an inspiration to everyone. Love you
I'm a Swiftie
From: Tiffany
I’ve been a fan since your first album. I live in Bucks County, PA (so close to where you grew up in Berks) but flying to Stockholm was my first chance to see you live. Thank you for sharing your words, emotions, and talents with us. It’s meant so much to feel seen in ways that women’s emotions rarely are. You validate and illuminate so much of what it means to exist as a woman in this world. At all ages stages and across all emotions. Thank you
I'm a Swiftie
From: Brandi
I have been a Taylor Swift fan since the besinning and have traveled to Sweden just to see you Taylor. Thank you for being such an inspiration.
I'm a Swiftie
From: Fiona🇫🇮🫶🏻💕
Hey Taylor i just wanted you to know that i love u so much and you saved my life Thank you Tay🫶🏻
I'm a Swiftie
From: Nina
Thank you for being a great role model for young girls!
Love - a Swiftie mom
I'm a Swiftie mom
From: Clara iskov
Hey Taylor I’m a big fan of your music you have beautiful and amazing energy 🥰
I'm a Swiftie
From: Tiffany
THANK YOU TAYLOR!!! I have been a fan since I was 12 and literally grew up with your songs <3 I travelled from the UK to watch your show in Stockholm and it was the best night of my life!!!
I'm a Swiftie
From: Linn
Your music has meant more to me than you will ever know. You have helped save my life and make friends. You been there for good and bad and there are some songs of yours me and my friends see as ours. I will support you and your music no matter what and listen to every song. Love you Tay Tay. Please come back for Sweden on your next tour. Love you lots -Linn
I'm a Swiftie
From: Hang
Love from China🫶🏻
Have been a fan since 2011
I'm a Swiftie
From: Oona & Nea
Taylor, thank you for growing up with us and writing songs that we relate to in our “not a popstar” life. 14 year long dreams have become a reality by seeing you, thank you
I'm a Swiftie
From: Anna
I'm not a real Swiftie. I never queued for hours or made a single friendship bracelet. The imposter syndrome was strong in me on my first ever Taylor event and concert but I wished so bad that i would've been one of you. I listened to bits of 1989, Reputation and Lover during a time when the life I had known fell apart and it led into something I didn't know would become home. So, even if I'm far from a longtime Swiftie, and I'll never get rid of the imposter syndrome, I will without a doubt be a rest of my lifelong Swiftie.
Thank you for the hope and the heartbreak 💕
I'm a Swiftie
From: Emilia
Hello Taylor, I just wanted to show my appreciation of everything you do❤️ I love you and have done since 2014 when I was four, stockholm n1 was my first time seeing you live and it completely broke me. I can’t even express how empty I feel now, I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you and it was very rare, and I was there with u ❤️ I love you so so so so much tay I hope you know that ❤️
I'm a Swiftie
From: Dylan Ribeiro
I first knew Taylor with "You Belong With Me" and "Love Story" and my romantic/country side popped up. I'm glad that 13 year old Taylor decided to follow her dreams and passion, sharing her magical energy with us in form of a guitar with a beautiful voice <3
I'm a Swiftie
From: Ella
Dear Taylor Swift
I really admire and idolize you. I’m 13 years old and love your music, outfits and you as a person. You remind me of happiness even though not all of your songs are happy. I love how you make everyone feel welcome. Your show looks amazing with all the outfits, songs and glitter. You remind me of a very bright kind of glitter. Something that just shine no matter what. I just wanted to say thank you for the glitter in my life❤️
I'm a Swiftie
From: Majken
You show the young women of today that fighting for your rights is right and that it isn’t shameful or flawless to demand fairness and respect.
Keep up your great attitude. We can all learn from that ❤️❤️❤️
I'm a Swiftie mom
From: Jenni
Dear Taylor,
You have been an important part of my life for 15 years. Your music has been a huge part of my teenage years and my twenties. Seeing you live was a magical moment and I really did have the time of my life with you. Long live all the magic you have made!
I'm a Swiftie
From: Emma
Hi Taylor I love you so much and I was hoping I could go to your concert but I’m only 12 years old, I hope you come back to Sweden so I can go to your concert❤️❤️
I'm a Swiftie
From: Evscar
I'm a Swiftie
From: Klara
Dear reader (Taylor)
I traveled from Denmark to Stockholm just to see you. I met some of my best friends through you and your music. I’m here with my BFF and we’re going to your concert may 19. So if you read this please play foolish one and this is me trying. Also wanted to say I love you and your music that helped me through a lot. Hope you have a great time in Europe, and we hope you’ll come back!!! 🩷
I'm a Swiftie
From: Emma<3
Dear Taylor,
I’m Emma and I have been a fan of yours for around six years. You are one of my biggest inspirations and I’m so lucky to have you! I was at your concert yesterday on may 17th and I had the best night of my life! Also taylornation saw my story yesterday and I was freaking out. I am so thankful to have you in my life and that I have your songs to relate to. I wouldn’t know what I would do without you anymore. I would love to see you again sometime, maybe in Gelsenkirchen if I get tickets. If I’m there, please play when Emma falls in love or yoyok hahaha!
Love you to the moon and to saturn!
Emma <3
I'm a Swiftie
From: Aly
Love everyone
I'm a Swiftie
From: Anju
I love TS 🩷 I am a big fan since 2007.
I'm a Swiftie
From: Montse
Thanks Taylor!!! 🩷
I'm a Swiftie